Principle 7:
Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
Principle 8:
Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
Principle 9:
Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
We have implemented battery containers for employees to deposit their old batteries, all faucets in sinks have aerators to reduce water consumption, and in our latest remodeling of one of our corporate building floors, we installed 100% LED lighting. We understand there is much to do, but we are confident in our steps, organically gaining knowledge and maturity in the sustainability learning curve and beginning to redirect changes and advances beyond the conformity of our practices.
As a company, we are responsible for aligning our subsidiaries with the principles of Proeza Group to generate sustainable development, strengthening the economic and social growth of the communities where we operate.
This sustainable development is based on the care and responsible use of natural resources, which is why we will be asking companies next year to set ambitious 2030 targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and enhance water management. In parallel, we will seek changes in our culture through awareness campaigns that promote a greater environmental responsibility from our employees.
Proeza encourages each Business Unit to address and report their progress through the implementation of indicators, properly monitoring and reducing their impacts on the following environmental processes:
& withdrawal